COVID and Vaccine Myths

List Owner: Sheryl Leighton

List Description

Have you heard that there isn't really a pandemic? That COVID-19 was caused by a conspiracy? That vaccines are a government plot? That everyone who gets vaccinated will get sick and die? That no one is really dying from COVID-19? Other fear-induced or fear-inducing speculations? Are you interested in considering other views? Looking at all the relevant evidence? Stepping back to see the whole picture? Would you lke to make objective, evidence-based decisions and judgments?

List Items

COVID Vaccine Myths, Questions, and Rumors with Dr. Roger Seheult and Dr. Rhonda Patrick

Earth's Virology Professor Dr. Vince Racaniello answers Jillian Michael's questions about the COVID pandemic, the vaccines, side effects, and more

Dr. Daniel Griffin answers viewer questions--ones that you may have!

Leading virologist Dr. Vincent Racaniello on Lex Fridman podcast: Viruses and vaccines - COVID myths debunked

MCGill Office for Science and Society: Separating Science From Nonsense

Meet the scientists driving the mRNA vaccine revolution

STARS webinar with BioNTech cofounders

A Shot to Save the World (book)

There is no conclusive evidence that the Pfizer BioNTech vaccines contain graphene oxide

Laurie Garrett on origins of the pandemic

Viral origins - latest U.S. report and remaining questions

Virologists discuss the origins of the virus

When was the SARS-CoV-2 virus isolated?

Vaccines are a Decisive Means for Dealing with COVID--not a conspiracy or government plot

Why the Biden administration dismissed accusations that Dr. Fauci had lied about funding SARS-CoV-2 research in Wuhan

origins of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic - Vampire Vax

Andy Slavitt with Guest Katherine Wu, science reporter and microbiologist, about what went wrong with public messaging

Interview with ICU physician Dr. Jena

COVID Long-Haulers' Symptoms - an allergy/immunology physician describes how unpredictable they are

Dr. Daniel Griffin - how to evaluate studies

Do vaccines and non-pharmaceutical interventions work?

Provincetown outbreak revisited

Vaccines and Israel - what do the data really show?

Do vaccines cause variants?

AfroVegan Society presents: COVID & Vaccine Hesitancy

Virtual Public Forum - (Mis)Trust in COVID-19 Vaccine in African-American Community

The History of Vaccines - vaccine injury compensation systems

The Doomsday Prophecy of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche

Science-based updates

British Medical Journal: Pfizer researcher blows whistle on data integrity

Nurse practitioner suffered neurological issues after vaccination--were the shots given correctly?

Did an experiment really show that spike protein vaccines interfere with DNA repair?

Dr. Norman Doidge on vaccine hesitancy and why respect and transparency are needed to restore trust in public health

A spiritual perspective from Eckhart Tolle: how to avoid adopting collective thought patterns

David Quammen on viral origins (on PBS)

Do COVID vaccines affect your DNA? Dr. Paul Offit, "Beyond the Noise"

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