COVID-19 pandemic updates

List Owner: Sheryl Leighton

List Description

There has been a lot of speculation around all aspects of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. This list includes only evidence-based updates and explanations by experts with the education, experience, and specialization to know what they're talking about. Although they sometimes disagree on relatively minor points, such as vaccination strategies or the likely future path of the pandemic, they seem willing to disclose what is known and unknown. They provide scientific evidence for their conclusions and hypotheses, and they distinguish their data-based projections and hypotheses from established facts.

List Items

TWiV - This Week in Virology with Dr. Vincent Racaniello

Dr. John Campbell - UK-based global updates

Osterholm Update: COVID-19

JAMA Network updates

MedCram - Medical Lectures Explained CLEARLY

UCSF School of Medicine

DrBeen Medical Lectures

Dr. Fauci on variants - April 6, 2021

British Medical Journal updates

The Majority Report with Sam Seder - Guest: Dr. Michael Osterholm

Dr. Suneel Dhand - MedStoic Lifestyle Medicine

Doctor Mike Hansen

FLCCC Alliance - Front Line COVID Critical Care

Brown University - Delta Variant Discussion

Dr. Duc Vuong

Virology Blog - by Dr. Vincent Racaniello

Mayo Clinic - Dr. Gregory Poland

Dr. Roger Seheult on treating COVID patients at various stages with different therapies

Leading virologist Dr. Vincent Racaniello on Lex Fridman podcast: Viruses and vaccines

Could pineapples be a new weapon against COVID-19?

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center Live Briefing (Fridays)

Our World Data

AAPS Early COVID Treatment Guide

Evidence review of face masks against COVID-19

World Council for Health

Monday Morning Medical Update - University of Kansas Health System

Fresh, Natural and Live Show with Cardiologist Dr. Baxter Mongomery

Dr. Nathan Cole, Pathologist

Dr. Paul Offit, FDA Advisory Committee member, on omicron boosters

WHO Scientist on JN.1 variant and COVID in India

Vejon Health

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